You are done with this section when you
Have Python 2.7 installed
Have checked out the repo for tomorrow
Have run the "" Python program from the repo
Is a powerful yet friendly language created by Guido Van Rossum with powerful libraries that allow you to quickly do things.
He believes in a world where every person can program their own computer so much he started a project called CP4E (Computer Programming for Everyone). Python adheres to this philosophy.
OSX | Windows | Linux |
Follow these OSX instructions.
subl ~/.profile
Virtual environments are great but don't worry about them for right now.
Follow these Windows instructions.
If you do not have powershell, and so cannot edit your path the way the instructions say, then
Virtual environments are great but don't worry about them for right now.
You have Python 2.7 — you just need to get pip.
wget \
-O - | sudo python
sudo easy_install pip
The Linux instructions say the same thing but take too long; you can read them.
Virtual environments are great but don't worry about them for right now.
Install the requests, tablib, and beautifulsoup4 library. In a shell, type:
sudo pip install requests
sudo pip install tablib beautifulsoup4
and clone it on your laptop
(Forgot how? link to the GitHub slide)
If everything worked, please help someone else then go to the next slide.
Becky | Jacqui | Lorena | Ryan | Saundra |